Dec 2, 2017
Betsy Thurston MPH RD addresses the questions of what to eat, how to get back on track and how to have success with weight struggles. She looks at two separate areas: realm of what to DO and also what you need to KNOW in order to succeed. This podcast has a lot of practical information while also looking at the...
Oct 8, 2017
Betsy Thurston MPH RD talks about how to calm the fears and emotions that arise when we try to be a more authentic person or to set boundaries. She describes three different clients, their food and eating goals, and their experiences when feeling exposed or scared and with setting boundaries. She teaches an...
Sep 25, 2017
Betsy Thurston MPH RD talks about denial and how it plays out to keep you in old patterns and to sabotage success. She describes specific clients and how their subconscious or conscious patterns of denial get in the way.
Aug 13, 2017
Betsy Thurston MPH RD provides 4 steps and equation to help listeners recover from the trap of all or nothing dieting and all or nothing eating.
Aug 13, 2017
Betsy Thurston MPH RD provides 4 steps and equation to help listeners recover from the trap of all or nothing dieting and all or nothing eating.